If you live in a Richmond Strata Property, and you’ve been paying attention to your strata corporation’s annual operating budget, then you probably noticed that your property insurance premiums have spiked updward in the past few years. Most strata property insurance companies charge a premium for this community in particular!
Unfortunately The City of Richmond is located at sea level, and Vancouver’s lower mainland is deemed a high risk earthquake zone, so those two factors add up to an increased risk in the minds of the insurance companies!
What can I do about our higher strata property insurance premium?
Other than moving to a different community, there isn’t a whole lot that you can do, short of shopping around your strata property insurance to ensure that you are receiving the best possible quote! This is really all that you can do, and can certainly make a difference, although be realistic, and don’t expect miracles! Encourage your Strata Council and Strata Management Company to obtain 2 or 3 different quotes, and at least this way you’ve done your part for your Strata Corporation
Looking for some help navigating your strata corporations property insurance? Reach out to us here!