The AGM is not your annual social event!

With video technology these days, it can be far more convenient and practical to hold your strata corporation’s AGM over video, particularly if your AGM is held while owners are traveling during the summer months, or during the winter cold and flu season!

The need for social interaction

On the flip side, we hear owners express their desire for the AGM to be held in person, even though it may not be as convenient for everyone, but simply to get together with their neighbours and socialize. While we agree that having neighbours gather to socialize is important for healthy and vibrant community, it’s important to remember that the primary goal of the AGM is to set the budget for the following year and elect a new Council, not to talk about the grandkids or how work is going! It’s important for the AGM to stick to the agenda, or it can quickly turn into a 3 hour affair with very little being accomplished.

Hold a separate social event for the strata corporation!

The best solution is to hold a separate social event; perhaps a barbecue in the summer, or a pot-luck in the winter if you’re lucky enough to have a common room! This way, the AGM can focus on the business at hand, and will run more efficiently and effectively. If in-person meetings are desired by the condo owners, then by all means stick with what works for the majority, but if a large group of owners are requesting video meetings, then it may be best to hold your AGM this way, and hold a separate social event!

Looking for some advice on how to run effective AGM’s? Please reach out to us here for more details!



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