Strata management is like an iceberg!

How is BC Strata Management like an iceberg?

What Strata Owners see on the surface is actually only a very small part of what goes on behind the scenes in the wild world of Strata. Behind the scenes, your management company, Strata Council, Building maintenance staff, vendors, etc. are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off!

Something as simple as obtaining 3 quotes for rebuilding a fence can easily chew up 15 hours between phone calls, emails, site visits, quote comparisons, obtaining owner approval, etc. Then you could easily add another 10 hours supervising the work, getting the payments sorted out, accounting for it, and dealing with any warranty issues!

Of course the owners NEVER see this work…they may see the contractors out there working on the fence, but unless you have ever worked in the industry or volunteered for a strata council position, you really couldn’t be expected to understand how much time even the most trivial of tasks can take. The countless amount of emails and phone calls required to coordinate things can really add up!

There are many, many examples in the strata world, so it’s important to understand time is NOT infinite, and it’s always good to pick your battles so you spend that valuable time on the important things.

Remember that strata management is like an iceberg, and what lies beneath the surface is far greater than what you can actually see!

If you’re looking to tackle some strata icebergs, but aren’t quite sure where to start, please reach out to us here today!



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