How to deal with the Top 5 strata management complaints

This article lists the top 5 complaints we hear on pretty much a daily basis as a Strata Management company, and discusses how to overcome them. These are pretty consistent across all types of strata buildings.

The Top 5 complaints strata managers receive

1.  Noise complaints. This is pretty much the most consistent complaint that strata managers receive. Complaints about neighbours partying, complaints about neighbours vacuuming late at night, complaints about neighbours in the suite above stomping around at night, and on and on it goes…

2. Pet complaints. This is another common complaint that strata management companies receive. Owners not cleaning up after their pet, and dogs barking seem to top the list.

3. Parking complaints. Someone parked in my spot, or another owner uses the visitor parking as his own stall are the most common complaints that we receive.

4. Smoking complaints. Neighbour smokes on his balcony or in his suite, and it wafts it’s way over to another strata unit. This happens all the time, especially in apartment style condos.

5. Short term rental complaints. This is a hot topic at the moment, and most Vancouver strata management companies will have to deal with this one at some point.

If you live in a strata, this list probably isn’t anything new to you, especially if you’re sitting on Council and involved in strata management.

How to overcome the top 5 strata management complaints

Since you now know what the complaints are going to be, what can you do about it if you live in or are involved in managing a strata complex? Our recommendation is to cut these complaints off at the pass so to speak. Get ahead of the game, be proactive, and create clear, concise bylaws that deal with these exact scenarios. If your bylaws are crystal clear as to what is expected of all strata owners, this can go a long way to eliminate confusion and make the rules very clear for everyone. We always recommend using a lawyer to draft your bylaws to ensure that they are enforceable.

Looking for some advice on Strata Management? Please contact our property management company here today!




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