How can Strata Managers keep track of everything???

Being a Strata Agent can be a VERY demanding job. Dealing with 10-20 buildings who all want your undivided attention can be very difficult, as each one of these buildings can have 7 Council members, and potentially hundreds of owners pointing you in different directions! Knowing that being organized is the key to success, how then can a Strata Agent even have a chance of staying organized?

Here are a few tips that will help Strata Managers stay organized:

1. Take detailed notes!

It is absolutely critical that a Strata Manager take detailed notes during Council meetings! There are plenty of AI tools out there that can take notes during video meetings, and even create action lists from the notes, but a good strata agent HAS to take notes either the old fashioned way, or using technology.

2. Use project management software

There are many great software solutions out there to help keep Strata Agents organized! An organized Strata Agent can and should be using one of these to create task lists, set recurring tasks, maintenance calendars, etc. Some examples are:,, etc.

3. Do NOT rely on your memory!

If a strata agent manages 15 properties, each with 20 ongoing task lists, how on earth would someone be able to track and manage 300 living, breathing tasks? It is virtually impossible, thus a great reason to never rely solely on your memory! Software is the only solution here (or at least a very good, tried and tested paper analog system.)

4. Create a priority list

Create a digital task list, and rank them in order of priority! Of course emergencies and urgent matters should be prioritized, but a good Agent will work with his or her Council to prioritize the non-emergency issues so that expectations are sufficiently managed.

These are just a few tips that a Strata Agent can use to keep track of everything and to stay organized. Reach out to us here if you have any other suggestions as we would love to hear from you!

Questions? Reach out to us here!



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