A list of the top Strata Management Companies in Vancouver

The Top 5 Strata Management Companies in Vancouver

For Most Strata Councils, choosing a Strata Management Company can be a difficult task. There are quite a few to choose from, and property  management companies seem to come in all shapes and sizes. This  article isn’t about choosing the right strata manager (we wrote about that here), but it will give you a list of some of the larger ones to start with.

Here are 5 large Vancouver property management companies, in no particular order;


1. Rancho Management. Rancho is a strata management company based in downtown  Vancouver that has been around for 35 years and counting. They manage over 200 buildings, and over 30,000 individual units. Not to mention they are also do residential management with an impressive portfolio of 1000 doors. If big numbers impress you, Rancho will do just that!

2. Associa. This Texas based US giant of a strata management company bought out Baywest back in 2012. They have 35 + years in business, and over 170 offices around the world. 9000 employees and counting…not bad!

3. FirstService  Residential. This is another giant US based property management company. In fact, they are the largest in the world with over 6000 building (430 in BC alone), and 1.5m units under management. In 2011 they acquired VanCondo Services and Crosby Property Management to enter the BC market.

4. Pacific Quorum. This locally owned and operated property management company has seen solid growth since 1997, and now has offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Squamish, Whistler, and throughout the Okanagan.

5. Martello Property Services. Another BC owned, downtown Vancouver based property management company. Martello has been around since the mid 1980’s, and now manages 120+ buildings in both BC and Alberta.

Of course, thankfully for us, bigger doesn’t always mean better! We are a small, boutique strata management company that specializes in smaller strata buildings (50 units and under). Contact our property management company if you would like to know about how we can help you!



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