Looking for a New Westminster property management company? We can provide for all of your strata management and rental property management needs. We manage residential real estate in New Westminster. Call us if you are looking to rent out your house, townhouse, or condo. We also manage strata buildings in New Westminster. Call us today at 604-447-7275 if you would like to find out more about what we can offer you. Fort Park Property Management is fully licensed with the Real Estate Council of BC.
New Westminster has a current population of approximately 60,000 residents. It is located in the heart of the Lower Mainland, and is connected by the Queensborough, Pattullo, and Alex Fraser bridges, as well as being serviced by the Skytrain. There is a tremendous amount of redevelopment taking place along the waterfront right now, making it a great place to invest in real estate!
Some facts about New Westminster
New Westminster is located a short 19km southeast of Vancouver, on the north bank of the Fraser River.
New Westminster was the second official capital of B.C., from 1858 to 1866.
The Irving house, built in 1865, is the oldest existing house in the Greater Vancouver area.
New Westminster houses a Douglas College campus.
New Westminster is home to the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame.
If you’re looking to invest in New Westminster's market, then contact us today to get started. We will take care of all your New Westminster property management needs!