I hear this comment all the time from fellow rental property investors, clients, and even other property managers. It goes something like this; “But I can’t reduce my rent, it won’t cover my mortgage!” Or comments like this; “We need to get $2000 per month rent, because my mortgage is $1800!” That’s great, and it’s very, very important to ensure that your revenue property is going to cash flow (I preach this ad nauseum), but I can guarantee you a couple things;
Just remember, nobody cares about the size of your monthly mortgage payment, and it really has no bearing on what your rental rates should be. Just because you bought a house for $1.5m in Vancouver with a $1.2m mortgage doesn’t mean that you can charge $6000 per month to cover your costs! The real estate rental market will ultimately decide what your rental rate should be.
If you’re interested in having your rental rates evaluated, please reach out to our property management company.
Chris Stepchuk
Aug 20, 2017
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