
Condo life is rife with conflict

VANCOUVER — The biggest flaw in the act that governs the lives of close to a million British Columbians is that…

12 years ago

Condo Smarts column: A strata council spends reserve fund on a non-emergency

What happens when a strata council spends all of the contingency funds on an unauthorized project, and then members of…

12 years ago

First strata council must obtain documentation

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata corporation is three years old and we are starting the process of having the depreciation…

12 years ago

How to tell if you’re exempt from rental bylaw

Dear Condo Smarts: When we bought our condo from the developer in 2007, we were advised by the sales person…

13 years ago

What stratas need to know about warranties

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata complex was built in September 2010. At the time, we were told that we had…

13 years ago

Grow-op just the start of a nasty problem

Dear Condo Smarts: What do you do when a strata lot owes the strata corporation $50,000 but the council cannot…

13 years ago