
What stratas need to know about warranties

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata complex was built in September 2010. At the time, we were told that we had…

13 years ago

Grow-op just the start of a nasty problem

Dear Condo Smarts: What do you do when a strata lot owes the strata corporation $50,000 but the council cannot…

13 years ago

What should strata pay for depreciation report?

Dear Condo Smarts: We are asking for your help regarding the engineers' depreciation report required by each strata corporation. Notice…

13 years ago

Strata council cannot demand keys to unit

Dear Condo Smarts: One of the strata council members in my condo has told me that it is required that…

13 years ago

Registered documents can settle strata dispute

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata council has been trying to sort out a parking crisis that seems to have been…

13 years ago

Cayo: Buying a strata property takes extra care

Many first-time condo buyers rationalize a potential purchase something like this: ā€œIā€™m paying $1,200 a month in rent,ā€ they say.…

13 years ago