common property

The hidden costs of avoiding depreciation report

Dear Condo Smarts: What happens if a strata corporation exempts itself from the requirement for a depreciation report, but a…

12 years ago

Who foots the bill for underinsured damages?

Dear Condo Smarts: I live in a two-bedroom condo in a 14-year-old building in Burnaby. I was the original owner…

12 years ago

Who’s responsible for limited common property?

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata corporation has designated all of our parking spaces as limited common property so that the…

12 years ago

Trouble in the parking lot

Dear Condo Smarts: Could you please tell us how we can confirm what parking spaces are permanently allocated to a…

12 years ago

Registered documents can settle strata dispute

Dear Condo Smarts: Our strata council has been trying to sort out a parking crisis that seems to have been…

13 years ago